Would be prohibited, Sign in Kuta with Private Vehicles
Increasingly crowded tourist activities in Kuta beach make a traffic chaotic and irregular. In addition to the narrow path, a row of vehicles parked at the curb to make segments of the main street in Kuta area is often jammed. At certain times, congestion is even very severe. Consequently convenience so annoyed travelers. To overcome these conditions, the Commission proposed a Parliament Badung to ban private vehicles in Kuta area. All the travelers who want to enter kuta area must use a special transport provided by the Government.
Then, where tourists who rent / own carrying parked vehicles if they want to enter Kuta area? For this problem, the board is designing three new parking lots in the area of Kuta. From the parking area, the wisatasan then use a special vehicle entering wilaya Kuta. The proposed area is in front of Pasar Pagi former LPD Kuta, on Jalan Arjuna (Double Six Road) Seminyak, and Kuta Market.
"I think this is one way to overcome traffic problems Kuta whose condition is very worrying," said Gusti Ngurah Sudiarsa, Chairman of Commission A Badung DPRD told reporters a few days ago.
Anyway, determination Sudiarsa, ample parking is attempted to be completed in August this year. And, to make people think and want to park their vehicles in three parking areas, Badung Council invites all interested parties with a comfortable Kuta area involved, including the Indigenous Village and Community Empowerment Institute (LPM) Kuta.
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